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This part of our website contains helpful information for our members.
-The section entitled Club Rules describes the rules we follow during our golf events such as Pace of Play, Ball Placement, Gimmies, Scoring, Lost Ball or Ball Hit Out-of-Bounds. 
-The section entitled Club Policies contains details about our Cancellation, Inclement Weather, Scoring and Handicap Administration Policies.


Ball Placement

All balls must be played as you find them or a penalty drop taken under the rules of golf. 

The only exceptions to this are under VGC "local rules"  as follows:

  • If a ball rests on a tree or bush root or other permanent obstruction such that leaving the ball in that position presents a safety obstacle to the golf swing, the ball may be moved (without penalty) no more than 2 club lengths from the root or other obstruction but no closer to the hole.

  • A ball in a divot on the fairway may be lifted, cleaned and placed within 1 club length no closer to the hole.

  • A ball in a footprint within a sand trap may be moved to a spot out of the footprint (no closer to the hole) then the golfer should hit the shot and rake the area. 

Remember that a drop is from knee height only.


To help maintain pace of play, putts can be conceded during VGC events if the distance to the hole is less than 12 inches (revised September 2024).

Golfer with a golf cart
Skyview at Terra Vista 5.2.22.jpg

If you are  having a bad hole, the maximum score for any hole is "Double Par" which means:

  • On a Par 5, 10 is the maximum score

  • On a Par 4, 8 is the maximum score

  • On a Par 3, 6 is the maximum score

If you pick up your ball on a hole, just put the maximum score on the scorecard.  A player will not be disqualified or excluded from the game if they pick up.




Lost Ball or Ball Hit Out-of-Bounds

In both instances, there are stroke and distance penalties involved. If you think you have hit the ball out of bounds or into an area where you might not find it, announce that you are hitting a provisional ball, and then hit a second ball from the same location.

The provisional ball can only be played if you cannot find your original ball or if you find it out of bounds. Add a 1-stroke penalty to your score for the hole and play the provisional ball. 
However, if you find your original ball in-bounds, there is no penalty; you just play the hole out with that ball.

The USGA has introduced a "local rule" to maintain pace of play as follows:

If a ball is lost or out-of-bounds and no provisional has been played, drop a ball 1 club length into the fairway (yes, on the fairway) nearest to the point of loss or where the ball last crossed the out-of-bounds line and no nearer the hole and add two penalty shots to your score for the hole. This is the "best guess" of your fellow players.  Don't waste time trying to figure out exactly where you lost your ball.  

Image by Obi - @pixel6propix
The emphasis of our VGC events is Fun, Fun and More Fun within the rules, of course.

Copyright @ Villages Golf Club 2022

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